Smolov Squat Log

Monday, October 05, 2009

Last sunday

Well things did not go as I wanted it to go for the last weekend before going for enlistment. I still had the best time laughing and playing with my dear at Yishun MacDonalds =D Had so much fun keeping her company :-* will miss you VERY MUCH when I go in. Hang in okay 17th can spend time with me!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Why does it always turn out this way

I'm sorry how things turned out last night. Amazing isn't it how I seem to be so full of empty promises. Slow, late, short tempered. I did not even go out of the way just to serve you. Abit the useless, I know now. It seems every time I try to make up for something, something else happens.
Sorry is just a word, it will not turn back time or undo anything.

Stay by my side oh SWEET CUTE one of mine, ~you hold me tight!~
Song: Thy Kingdom Come
Band: Morbid Angel
I'm not sure if you are able to read this and still have enough time for me drop over and have dessert with you before it's too late, before you go bbq, I REALLY want to PEI you from noon till night, but you are probably still sleeping now. I'm willing to make amends! I hope today does not go to waste.
Song: What I Like About You
Band: The Romantics
COUNTDOWN: 4.5 days